Degree Changing: Superlative –Comparative -Positive

Degree Changing: Superlative –Comparative -Positive

Rule1: If the superlative degree says about the best thing then the Rule is:-

For comparative,use –subject +verb + adjective/adverb(comp. form) + Than any other + rest part

For positive, use-No other + rest part after supr. Degree + verb + so/as + positive form of adj/adv + as + sub.


·  Su: Suman is the tallest boy in the class.

·  Com: Suman is taller than any other boy in the class.

·  Pos: No other boy in the class is as tall as Suman.

Rule 2: If In superlative degree ‘One of the’ is transformed in this way:

Comparative: Sub+verb +comp. form +than most other+ Rest part.

Positive: Very few+ rest part after supr. Degree + verb + so/as + positive form of adj/adv + as + sub.


·  Sup: Nazrul was one of the greatest poets in Bangladesh.

·  Com: Nazrul was greater than most other poets in Bangladesh.

·  Pos: Very few poets in Bangladesh were so great as Nazrul.

Remember: Superlative: Of all/ of any

Comparative: Than all other/than any other.

Positive: It does not exist.


·  Sup: Mr. khan is the oldest of all men in the village.

·  Com: Mr. Khan is older than all other men in the village.

·  Pos: No other man is as old as Mr. Khan.

Rule 3: Simple comparative is transformed into positive by using(not so + adj/adv+as)/ (so+adj/adv+as)if negative. Second noun or pronoun is used first.


·  Com: Rina is wiser than Mina.

·  Pos: Mina is not so wise as Rina.

·  Com: Mina is not wiser than Rina.

Rule 4:. No/not less --- than is transformed into positive by using as +adj/adv+ as


·  Com: Karim is not less meritorious than Suman.

·  Pos: Karim is so meritorious as Suman.


Transformation of sentence(Degree)
1. Superlative হতে Comparative:
(a) Adjective
টি comparative form- বসবে এরপর than any other দ্বারা পরিবর্তন করতে হয়
Superlative: Imran is the tallest boy in the class.
Comparative: Imran is taller than any other boy in the class.
(b) One of the
উল্লেখ থাকলে Adjectiveটি comparative form- বসবে এরপর than most other দ্বারা পরিবর্তন করতে হয়
Superlative: Bangladesh is one of the best team in the ICC World Cricket 2011.
Comparative:Bangladesh is better than most other team in the ICC World Cricket 2011.
c) Of all
উল্লেখ থাকলে Adjectiveটি comparative form - বসবে, এরপর than all other দ্বারা পরিবর্তন করতে হয়
Superlative : Jesmin is the most beautiful of all girl.
Comparative : Jesmin is more beautiful than all other girl.
2. Positive
হতে Comparative : তুলনীয় স্থান বা ব্যক্তি প্রথমে বসে
(a) Affirmative Sentence Negative
(b) Negative Sentence Affirmative
Superlative to Positive Degree:
Rule-1 : Superlative degree
কে positive degree করার সময় সর্ব প্রথম No other দিয়ে শুরু করতে হয় এবং এরপর sentence-এর শেষের অংশ অর্থাৎ Adjective -এর পরের অংশ বসে Verb-এর পর as বসে এবং এরপর Adjective কে positive করতে হয়
No other + adjective verb + as + adjective+ as
প্রথম subject
Superlative : Dhaka is the largest city in Bangladesh.
Positive : No other city in Bangladesh is as large as Dhaka.
Rule-2 : Superlative Degree-
তে one of the words উল্লেখ থাকলে positve করার সময় very few দ্বারা শুরু করতে হয়
Very few + Superlative-
এর পরের অংশ + verb + so/as + superlative এর positive form + as প্রদত্ত বাক্যেও subject Superlative: He is one of the tallest boys in the class.
Positive : Very few boys in the class are as tall as he.
প্রিয় শিক্ষার্থীবৃন্দ এবার আলোচিত অংশের উপর অর্জিত জ্ঞান যাচাই কর
Exercise: (A) Superlative to Positive:
1. Bijoy is one of the best boy in the class.
2. It is one of the most beautiful garden in this town.
3. Honesty is the best policy in life.
4. Ridoy is the noblest person I have ever seen.
5. Traffic jam is one of the most serious problems in our country.
Superlative degree to Comparative degree :
Rule-1: (a) Superlative degree
থেকে comparative করার সময় শুধু adjective পরিবর্তন করতে হয় এবং এরপর than any other বসে
(b) Superlative degree
এর article `The` অন্য যেকোনো degree করার সময় উঠে যায়
(c) Than any other-
এর পর কখনো plural (বহু বচন) হয় না সুতরাং plural থাকলে তা singular হবে
(d) Superlative degree
এর adjective `est` বাদ দিয়ে `er` যোগ করলে comparative হয়
Superlative : Morshed is the shortest boy in the class.
Comparative :Morshed is shorter than any other boy in the class.
Superlative : Dhaka is the oldest city in Bangladesh.
Comparative: Dhaka is older than any other city in Bangladesh.
Rule-2: Superlative degree
তে one of the words গুলো উল্লেখ থাকলে comparative করার সময় adjective-এর পর than most other বসে
Adjective + than most other
Superlative: Tiger is one of the most ferocious animals.
Comerative: Tiger is more ferocious than most other animals.
Note : Most other
এর পর বহুবচন হয় নিচের বাক্যে আমরা দেখতে পাই girl এর স্থলে girls হয়েছে
Superlative : Parvin is one of the best girl in the class.
Comerative: Parvin is better than most other girls in the class.

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