Simple Sentence -Complex Sentence

Simple Sentence -Complex Sentence

Rule: 1:Present participle” in the simple Sentence, to convert into complex sentences by adding “since/as/when” in the first half of the sentence.

Simple Sentence: Closing the door, I went back to school.

Complex Sentence: When I closed the door, I went back to school.


Rule: 2 “Being/ Verb+ing” in a simple sentence, to convert into a complex sentence by adding “as/when/since” in the first half of the sentence.

Simple Sentence: After winning a beauty contest she cried.

Complex Sentence: As she won the beauty contest, she cried.


Rule: 3 Too…to” in a simple sentence, to convert into a complex sentence by adding “so…that (negative)”.

Simple Sentence: He is too weak to carry the box.

Complex Sentence: He is so weak that he cannot carry the box.


Rule: 4 “To” in the simple sentence, to convert into a complex sentence by adding “so that” in the sentence.

Simple sentence: We eat to live.

Complex Sentence: We eat so that we can live.


Rule: 5 In the simple sentence in spite of/ despite”, to convert into the complex sentence by adding “though/ although” in the sentence.

Simple Sentence: In spite of being rich, she is hard working.

Complex Sentence: Though she is rich, she is hard working.


Rule: 6 “Because of” in the simple sentence, to convert it to the complex sentence by adding “since” at the beginning of the sentence.

Simple Sentence: Because of his illness, he could not join the meeting.

Complex Sentence: Since he was ill, he could not join the meeting.


Rule: 7 “Subject + verb + object + present participle” type of simple sentence, to convert it to the complex sentence by “subject + verb + object + relative pronoun of the object + be verb according to relative pronoun and tense + rest of the sentence”.

Simple Sentence: I saw a bird flying.

Complex Sentence: I saw a bird which was flying.


Rule: 8 In the simple sentence starts with “without”,  by adding “if/ in case” is converted into the complex sentence.

Simple Sentence: Without adding the sugar the dish will taste bad.

Complex Sentence: If you do not add sugar the dish will taste bad.


Rule: 9 In the simple sentence “at the time” will be converted into “when” in the complex sentence.

Simple Sentence: She woke up at the time of load shedding.


Complex Sentence: She woke up when it was load shedding.

Rule: 10: In the simple sentence, “adjective” will be converted into “that/which” in the complex sentence.

Simple Sentence: It was a blue shirt.

Complex Sentence: It was a shirt which was blue.

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