Sentences according to their structure:

There are three types of sentences according to their structure:

  • Simple sentence (সরল বাক্য)
  • Complex sentence (জটিল বাক্য)
  • Compound Sentence (যৌগিক বাক্য)

Simple sentence (সরল বাক্য):

যে সকল বাক্যে একটি মাত্র Subject or object এবং একটিমাত্র সমাপিকা ক্রিয়া (finite verb) থাকে তাকেই Simple sentence বা সরল বাক্য বলে

In a simple sentence, there is only one subject and one finite verb. It has only one independent clause.

Now the question is what a clause is.

Clause is a sentence or a part of a sentence, and it may be dependent or independent.

E.g., “He hates me” is a sentence, which has only one clause. “He hates me, and I hate him too” is also a sentence and it has two clauses; one is “He hates me,” and another is “I hate him too.” These two clauses are joined together by a conjunction ‘and.'

You may follow a simple pattern like:

Subject + Finite verb + complement


  • Cox’s Bazar is the largest sea-beach in the world.
  • She wrote an application to the principal.
  • Bangladesh is a developing country.

প্রত্যেকটি উদাহরণে একটি করে subject এবং একটি করে সমাপিকা ক্রিয়া আছে

Complex sentence (জটিল বাক্য):

যে সকল বাক্যে একটি প্রধান খন্ড বাক্য থাকে এবং তার উপর আশ্রয় বা অবলম্বন করে আরও এক বা একাধিক খন্ড বাক্য থাকে তাকেই Complex sentence জটিল বাক্য বা মিশ্র বাক্য বলে

It consists one main clause and one or more sub ordinate clauses or adverbial clauses.

1. Adverbial clauses come after the main clause.

  • His brother died when he was seven years old.

His mother died (Main clause)

When (subordinating conjunction)

He was two years old. (Adverbial clause)

  • If you read regularly, you will do well in the exam.

Here, ‘if you read regularly’ is a subordinate clause and ‘you will do well in the exam’ is the main clause.

2. The best way to detect a Subordinate clause is that it always begins with conjunctions like where, what, when, that, while, who, if, whether, because, whenever, whoever, whatever, wherever, though, although, till, until, unless, after, before, so that, etc.

  • You did not even hear what his name was.
  • Though he lives in America, he speaks Bengali fluently.

Compound Sentence (যৌগিক বাক্য):

অর্থাৎ, নিরপেক্ষ দুই বা তার অধিক সরল বাক্য যদি কোন সংযোজক অব্যয় দ্বারা সংযুক্ত হয়ে একটি সম্পূর্ণ বাক্য তৈরী করে তখন তাকে Compound sentence বা যৌগিক বাক্য বলা হয়

compound sentence incorporates at least two principal clauses. These clauses linked by one or more coordinating conjunctions, punctuations or both.

Conjunctions that are used in compound sentences are and, or, but, for, not, also, thus, however, moreover, therefore, so, still, else, as well as, otherwise, accordingly, yet, not yet, but also, either or, neither nor, on the contrary, etc.


  • He is poor but happy.
  • We searched for him everywhere but did not find it.
  • Mou shouted, and all the people started to clap their hands.

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