Article 'X'- এর ব্যবহার

Article 'X'- এর ব্যবহার
Article 'X'- এর ব্যবহার
Article 'X'- 
এর ব্যবহার

  Rule-1: Proper Noun(কোন কিছুর নাম,একক অস্তিত্ব এবং প্রথম অক্ষর Capital Letter হয়) এর পূর্বে Article ‘x’ বসে। যেমন: 

i. Elder Brother reads in x Dhaka University.

 Rule-2:go+to+x+school/college/Madrasha/hospital/mosque/jail(প্রাথমিক উদ্দেশ্য বুঝালে)।যেমন:

 i. Mahar goes to x school daily.

 Rule-3:move/go/travel+by+bus/train/air/boat/lunch. যেমন:

 i. We went to Dhaka by x train.

 Rule-4: X+Uncountable/Abstract Noun. যেমন:

 i. X water has no color. 

ii. X kindness is a great virtue.

 iii. X water is made of hydrogen and oxygen. 

iv. X milk is nutritious food. 

v. X oil floats on water. 

vi. X truthfulness is the greatest of all virtues in a man.

 Rule-5: Countable Noun যদি plural হয় তাহলে Article ‘x’ বসে। যেমন: 

i. X cows are useful animals. 

ii. X students are the future hope of a nation. 

iii. X ants are industrial animals.

 iv. X dogs are faithful animals. 

v. X tigers are ferocious animals.

 Rule-6: Adjective এর পর Article ‘x’ বসে।যদি পরে Noun না থাকে। যেমন:

 i. The boy is regular x. 

ii. The girl was honest x. 

 Rule-7:  Adj. ও Noun এর মাঝে Article ‘x’ বসে। যেমন:

 i. He is a good x boy.

 ii. Mimi is a x girl.

 iii. Joy was a noble x person.

 Rule-8: Possessive adj.(my/our/your/his/her/their/its/on)+x+N. যেমন:

 i. His x pen is nice.

ii. This is our x school.

 iii. He has no x pen.

 Rule-9: Noun in apposition-এ Article ‘x’ বসে। যেমন:

i. Mr.Shakil,x Headmaster of Pura school is highly educated.

 Rule-10:সাধারণত:রান্নাকৃত খাবার(meals) (breakfast/luncheon/dinner/supper) এর পূর্বে Article ‘x’ বসে। যেমন:

 i. We have x supper at 10pm.

 ii. Usually, I take x Breakfast at 8am.

 Rule-11:  রাস্তার নামের সাথে Road না থাকলে Article ‘x’ বসে। যেমন:

 i. I drove through x park street and x Bangabandhu Avenue. 

 Rule-12:  x+music/poetry/art. যেমন:

 i. Trump loves x music.

 Rule-13:  x+television/radio. যেমন:

 i. X Television is an easy means of entertainment. 

ii.Whats on x TV tonight.

 Rule-14:  x+chess/football/cricket(খেলা)। যেমন:

 i. The boys are playing x football.

 Rule-15:x+cold/fever/diarrhea/malaria/cholera/toothache/back-ache/stomach-ache(রোগ বুঝালে)। যেমন: 

i. X tooth-ache is horrible.

 ii.He is suffering from x cold. 

iii. Many people suffer from x diarrhea.

 iv. She has got x toothache.

 Rule-16: at+x+morning/noon/afternoon/evening/midnight/deadnight. যেমন:

 i. He comes back at x evening.

 Rule-17: একই ব্যক্তি বুঝালে দ্বিতীয় Noun এর আগে Article ‘x’ বসে। যেমন:

 i. The Headmaster and x secretary is a sincere person.

 Rule-18:পুরুষ ও নারী জাতি বুঝালে Article ‘x’ বসে। যেমন:

 i. X man is mortal.

 ii. X women are fond of flowers. 

 Rule-19একটি মাত্র দ্বীপ,পর্বত বা হ্রদ বুঝালে Article ‘x’ বসে। যেমন:

 i. X Srilankais an island.

 ii. X Mount Everest is the highest peak in the world.

 iii. X Caspian is the largest lake in the world.

 Rule-20:  ভাষার নামের পূর্বে Article ‘x’ বসে। যেমন:

 i. X Bangla is our mother tongue.

 ii. X English is an international language.

 Rule-21: বার বা মাসের নামের পূর্বে Article ‘x’ বসে। যেমন:

 i. He saw me on x Monday.

 ii. X February is the second month of the English year. 


 i. All x eight students in the class passed the exam.

 ii. Both x children are good at maths.

 Rule-23: ঋতুর নামের পূর্বে Article ‘x’ বসে)। যেমন: 

i. It rains in x rainy season. Rule-24:Cross(x) article is used in ‘positions’ . যেমন:

 i. Elizabeth x Queen of England is known to all.

 ii. They elected George x chairmen.

 iii. Henry was made x captain of them. 

iv.He was elected x president for the third time.

 v. Mr.Fuad was appointed x chief clerk in 2011.

 Rule-25:part and percel+of+N(pl). যেমন:

 i. Keeping the accounts is x part and parcel of my job.

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